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Airbus Terms and Abbreviations (Selection)


V-Speed Term
V1 - The highest speed during take-off that you can reject the take-off and still stop on the runway.
- The lowest speed from which a takeoff can be safely continued within the takeoff distance after an engine failure at the critical engine failure speed.
V2 Take-off safety speed the aircraft attains no later than an altitude of 35 feet and is maintained during the 2nd segment of takeoff with one engine failed.
VA The maximum speed at which a full control deflection in one direction should be made in normal or alternate law.
VAPP Speed for flying down the approach.
VD / MD Maximum structural design limit speed and Mach
VF Design Flap Speed
VFE Maximum Flap Extended Speed.
VFEN Predictive VFE at next flap/slat position
VFTO Final Takeoff Speed
VLE Maximum gear extension speed, often lower than the operating speed to prevent gear door damage.
VLO Maximum gear operating speed, which means the max speed for the gear being down.
VLOF Lift-off Speed
VLS Lowest Selectable Speed
VMAX Airbus for the maximum speed for the current configuration, represented by black and red strip at the top of the airspeed indication.
VMCA Minimum speed in the air that if one engine fails and the other is at TO thrust, you can still control the aircraft with the primary flight controls up to a bank of 5 degrees.
VMCG Minimum speed on the ground that if one engine fails and the other is at TO thrust, you can still control the aircraft with the primary flight controls.
VMO / MMO Maximum operating speed, also has MMO for maximum Mach number.
VR Rotate speed. The speed at which the pilot pulls back on the stick to pitch the airplane to the takeoff attitude.
VREF Reference speed for a normal approach at the 50 foot height.
VS Stalling Speed at which Airplane is Controllable
VS1 Stalling Speed or Minimum Steady Flight Speed obtained in a specified Configuration
VSO Stalling Speed or Minimum Steady Flight Speed in the Landing configuration
VSW Airbus for when the stall warning will activate, represented by a black and red strip at the bottom of the airspeed indicator, when there has been a failure to affect the flight control laws.
VX Speed for Best Angle of Climb
VY Speed for Best Rate of Climb
VαMAX Airbus speed for the maximum angle of attack (AoA) that the pilot can achieve in normal law, shown by the top of a red strip at the bottom of the airspeed indicator.
VαPROT Airbus for the speed that the angle of attack (AoA) protection will become active to stop the aircraft from stalling, shown as being the top of the black and amber strip at the bottom of the airspeed indicator.

Additional Speeds

V-Speed Term
F Minimum speed at which the flaps may be retracted at takeoff (i.e., CONF 2/3). Also the minimum speed in approach when in CONF 2 or 3
S Minimum speed at which the slats may be retracted at takeoff. Also the minimum speed in approach when in CONF 1.
O or GD Green dot speed, engine-out operating speed with flaps up, best lift-to-drag ratio speed, also corresponds to final takeoff speed.


Weight Term
AGW Actual Gross Weight
AUW All-Up Weight
AZFW Actual Zero Fuel Weight
BEW Basic Empty Weight
BOH Brake-Off Weight
DWE Delivery Empty Weight
DOW Dry Operating Weight
GW Gross Weight
LW Landing Weight
MEW Manufacturer's Empty Weight
MFTW Maximum Design Fuel Transfer Weight
MFW Maximum Design Flight Weight
MLW Maximum Design Landing Weight
MRW Maximum Ramp Weight
MTOGW Maximum takeoff Gross Weight
MTOW Maximum Design Takeoff Weight
MTW Maximum Design Taxi Weight
MTXW Maximum Taxi Weight
MWE Manufacturer's Weight Empty
MZFW Maximum Design Zero Fuel Weight
OEW Operational Empty Weight
OLW Operational Landing Weight
OTOW Operational Take-Off Weight
OWE Operating Weight Empty
RTOLW Runway Takeoff and Landing Weight
RTOW Runway Takeoff Weight
SBEW Standard Basic Empty Weight
TOGW Takeoff Gross Weight
TOW Takeoff Weight
ZFW Zero Fuel Weight


Abbreviation Term
A.ICE Anti-ice, Anti-icing
A/BRK Autobrake
A/C Aircraft
A/COLL Anti-Collision
A/F Auto Flight
A/G Air to Ground
A/L Airline
A/S Airspeed
A/SKID Anti-Skid
A/STAB Auto Stabilizer
A/THR Autothrust
A/XFMR Autotransformer
ABCU Alternate Braking Control Unit
ABN Abnormal
ABNORM Abnormal
ABRN Airborne
ABS Autobrake System
ABV Above
AC Alternating Current
ACARS Aircraft Communication Addressing and Reporting System
ACAS Airborne Collision Avoidance System
ACC Active Clearance Control
ACCEL Acceleration/Accelerate
ACCELMTR Accelerometer
ACCU Accumulator
ACCUR Accuracy
ACD Additional Control Device
ACFT Aircraft
ACGS Aircraft GSM Server
ACK Acknowledge
ACMS Aircraft Condition Monitoring System
ACP Audio Control Panel
ACQ Acquire
ACQN Acquisition
ACR Avionics Communication Router
ACT Active
ACT Additional Center Tank
ACTG Actuating
ACTIV Active
ACTR Actuator
ACTVN Activation
ACTVT Activate
ACU Air Cooling Unit
ADB Airport Database
ADB Area Distribution Box
ADC Air Data Computer
ADCN Avionics Data Communication Network
ADD Addition, Additional
ADF Automatic Direction Finder
ADG Air Driven Generator
ADI Attitude Director Indicator
ADIRS Air Data/Inertial Reference System
ADIRU Air Data/Inertial Reference Unit
ADM Air Data Module
ADR Air Data Reference
ADS Air Data System
ADU Area Distribution Unit
ADV Advisory
AESS Aircraft Environment Surveillance System
AESU Aircraft Environment Surveillance Unit
AEVC Avionics Equipment Ventilation Computer
AF Audio Frequency
AFDX Avionics Full Duplex Switched Ethernet
AFECU Automatic Fire Extinguishing Control Unit
AFFECTD Affected
AFFIRM Affirmative
AFIS Airline In Flight Information System
AFM Airplane Flight Manual
AFMC Auxiliary Fuel Management Computer
AFS Automatic Flight System
AFTR After
AGC Automatic Gain Control, APU Generator Contactor
AGE Aircraft Ground Equipment
AGL Above Ground Level
AGP Alternate Gauging Processor
AGS Air Generation System
AGU Air Generation Unit
AGW Actual Gross Weight
AI Anti-Icing
AICU Anti Ice Control Unit
AIDS Aircraft Integrated Data System
AIL Aileron
AIM Aircraft Integrated Maintenance
AIMI Avionics Information Management Interface
AINS Aircraft Information Network System
AIP Aeronautical Information Publication
AIP Attendant Indication Panel
AIRCOND Air Conditioning
AIS Aeronautical Information Service
AIS Audio Integrated System
AL Airline
ALIGN Alignment
ALIGND Aligned
ALLWD Allowed
ALPHA Angle-of-Attack
ALPHANUM Alphanumerical
ALS Approach Light System
ALT Altitude
ALT ACQ Altitude Acquire
ALT TO Alternate To
ALTM Altimeter
ALTN Alternate, Alternative
ALTU Annunciator Light Test Unit
AM Amplitude Modulation
AMB Ambient
AMDB Airport Mapping DataBase
AMM Aircraft Maintenance Manual
AMM Ammeter
AMP Ampere
AMPL Amplifier
AMU Audio Management Unit
ANLG Analogic
ANN Annunciator
ANN LT Annunciator Light
ANNCE Announce
ANNCMT Announcement
ANSA At Nearest Suitable Airport
ANT Antenna
AOA Angle Of Attack
AOC Air Operator's Certificate
AOC Airline Operational Control
AOD Audio On Demand
AOG Aircraft On Ground
AOHX Air/Oil Heat Exchanger
AP Autopilot
AP/FD Autopilot/Flight Director
APP Approach Control-Approach Control Office
APPR Approach
APPROX Approximately
APU Auxiliary Power Unit
APU AFE APU Automatic Fire Extinguishing Control Unit
AR As Required
ARINC Aeronautical Radio Incorporated
ARMD Armed
ARMG Arming
ARND Around
ARPT Airport
ARR Arrival, Arriving
ARV Alterate Refill Valve
AS Airspeed
ASD Accelerate-Stop Distance
ASI Airspeed Indicator
ASP Audio Selector Panel
ASSY Assembly
ASYM Asymmetric(al)
AT Autothrottle / Autothrust
ATA Actual Time of Arrival
ATC Air Traffic Control
ATCI Air Traffic Control and Information
ATCK Attack
ATD Actual Time of Departure
ATE Automatic Test Equipment
ATIS Automatic Terminal Information Service
ATM Air Traffic Management
ATS Air Traffic Service
ATS Autothrottle / Autothrust System
ATSU Air Traffic Service Unit
ATT Attitude
ATTND Attendant
AUTO Automatic
AUTOLAND Automatic Landing
AUX Auxiliary
AVAIL Availability
AVAIL Available
AVG Average
AVIONICS Aviation Electronics
AVNCS Avionics
AVS Avionics Ventilation System
AWY Airway
AZFW Actual Zero Fuel Weight
B Blue
B/C Business Class
BARO Barometric
BAT Battery (Electrical)
BCF Brake Cooling Fan
BCN Beacon
BCS Brake Control System
BCU Brake Control Unit
BETW Between
BEW Basic Empty Weight
BHD Bulkhead
BKFLW Backflow
BKUP Backup
BL Bleed
BLG Body Landing Gear
BLK Black
BLK Block
BLST Ballast
BLV Bleed Valve
BLW Below
BLWG Blowing
BM Beam
BRDG Bridge
BRG Bearing
BRK Brake
BRKNG Braking
BRKR Breaker
BRKS Brakes
BRKT Bracket
BRT Bright, Brightness
BSCS Braking and Steering Control System
BSCU Braking and Steering Control Unit
BT Bus Tie
BTC Bus Tie Contactor
BTL Bottle
BTMS Brake Temperature Monitoring System
BTMU Brake Temperature Monitoring Unit
BTN Button
BU Battery Unit
BUS Busbar
BYP Bypass
C Celsius, Centigrade
C Cyan
C/B Circuit Breaker
C/L Check List
C/M Crew Member
C/O Change Over
C/S Call Sign
CAB Cabin
CAB PRESS Cabin Pressurization
CAL Calibration, Calibrated
CANC Cancellation
CANCD Cancelled
CAPT Captain
CAS Calibrated Air Speed
CAS Collision Avoidance System
CAT Category
CAUT Caution
CAUT LT Caution Light
CCD Cursor Control Device
CCRM Cabin Crew Rest Module
CCS Cabin Communication System
CCW Counter Clock Wise
CD Compact Disk
CD Control Display
CDA Continuous Descent Arrival
CDC Cargo Door Controller
CDL Configuration Deviation List
CDS Control and Display System
CDSS Cockpit Door Surveillance System
CDSU Cockpit Door Surveillance Unit
CDU Control and Display Unit
CFDS Centralized Fault Display System
CFMI CFM International
CG Center of Gravity
CHAS Chassis
CHG Change
CHK Check
CHM Chime
CHRO Chronometer
CIDS Cabin Intercommunication Data System
CK Check
CKD Checked
CKPT Cockpit
CL Check List
CL Climb
CLB Climb
CLD Closed
CLG Ceiling
CLK Clock
CLR Clear
CLR ALT Clearance Altitude
CLRD Cleared
CLRNC Clearance
CLSD Closed
CLSG Closing
CM Centimeters
CMD Command
CMPLTD Completed
CNCT Connect
CNCTD Connected
CNTOR Contactor
CNTR Counter
CO Company
CO RTE Company Route
COM Communication
COMP Compass
COND Condition
COND Conditioning
CONFIG Configuration
CONFIRMD Confirmed
CONSUMPT Consumption
CONT Continue, Continuous
COOL Cooling
COOLG Cooling
CORR Correct
COUNT Counter
CPC Cabin Pressure Controller
CPT Capture
CRC Continuous Repetitive Chime
CRG Cargo
CRK Crank
CRS Course
CRT Cathode Ray Tube
CRZ Cruise
CS Call Switch
CSL Console
CSTR Constraint
CTK Center Tank
CTL Central
CTL Control
CTLR Controller
CTR Center
CU Control Unit
CUR Current
CVM Cabin Video Monitoring
CVR Cockpit Voice Recorder
CVRS Cockpit Voice Recorder System
CW Clockwise
CWS Cabin Work Station
CY Cycle
DA Drift Angle
DAC Digital to Analog Converter
DADC Digital Air Data Computer
DADS Digital Air Data System
DAMP Damping
DAU Data Acquisition Unit
DB Data Base
DB Database
DB Decibel
DC Direct Current
DCD Data Control and Display
DCDU Datalink Control and Display Unit
DCL Digital Cabin Logbook
DCP Display Control Panel
DCU Direction Control Unit
DECEL Decelerate
DECR Decrease
DEG Degree
DEGRADD Degraded
DEL Delete
DEP Departure
DEPRESS Depressurization
DES Descend
DES Descent
DEST Destination
DET Detection, Detector
DETECTD Detected
DEV Deviation
DFDAMU Digital Flight Data Acquisition and Management Unit
DFDAU Digital Flight Data Acquisition Unit
DFDR Digital Flight Data Recorder
DFDRS Digital Flight Data Recording System
DG Directional Gyro
DH Decision Height
DI Deicing
DIBU Door Illumination Ballast Unit
DIFF Differential
DIR Direct, Direction, Director
DIR TO Direct to
DISC Disconnect, Disconnected
DISCH Discharge, Discharged
DISCNTY Discontinuity
DISRMD Disarmed
DIST Distance
DISTR Distribute, Distribution, Distributor
DITCH Ditching
DIVERTG Diverting
DLCM Data Loading Configuration Manager
DLCS Data Loading and Configuration System
DLK Data Link
DLOAD Data Loading
DLY Delay
DMA Direct Memory Access
DMC Display Management Computer
DMD Demand
DME Distance Measuring Equipment
DN Down
DOLLI Dome LED Light
DOW Dry Operating Weight
DPI Differential Pressure Indicator
DR Door
DSPL Display
DTG Distance To Go
DU Display Unit
DWG Drawing
E East
EBAS Engine Bleed Air System
EC Engine Control
ECAM Electronic Centralized Aircraft Monitoring
ECM Engine Condition Monitoring
ECON Economy
ECP ECAM Control Panel
ECS Environmental Control System
ECU Electronic Control Unit
EE Electrical and Electronic
EEC Electronic Engine Control
EFCC Electronic Flight Control Computer
EFCS Electrical Flight Control System
EFCU Electrical Flight Control Unit
EFF Effective, Effectivity
EFIS Electronic Flight Information System
EFOB Estimated Fuel On Board
EGT Exhaust Gas Temperature
EIS Electronic Instrument System
ELAC Elevator Aileron Computer
ELAPS Elapsed Time
ELEC Electric, Electrical, Electricity
ELEK Electronic
ELEV Elevator
ELEVN Elevation
ELS Emergency Lighting System
ELT Emergency Locator Transmitter
ELV Elevation
EMER Emergency
EMLS Emergency Lighting System
EMU Engine Monitoring Unit
END Endurance
ENG Engine
ENG OUT Engine Out
ENT Entry
ENTR Entrance
ENV Envelope
EO Engine Out
EO ACCEL ALT Engine Out Acceleration Altitude
EO THR RED SPD Engine Out Thrust Reduction Speed
EOSID Engine Out Standard Instrument Departure
EPR Engine Pressure Ratio
EPSU Emergency Power Supply Unit
EPU Emergency Power Unit
EQPT Equipment
ER Extended Range
ERR Error
ERS Erase
ESC Escape
ESD Electronic System Display
ESS Essential
EST Estimated
ET Elapsed Time
ETA Estimated Time of Arrival
ETACS External and Taxiing Aid Camera System
ETD Estimated Time of Departure
ETE Estimated Time En Route
ETO Estimated Time Over
ETOPS Extended Range Twin Engined Aircraft Operations
ETP Equal Time Point
ETRAC Electronic Thrust Reverser Actuation Controller
ETRAS Electronic Thrust Reverser Actuation System
ETT Estimated Time for Takeoff
EVAC Evacuate
EVAC Evacuation
EWD Engine/Warning Display
EWS Electronic Warning System
EX Example
EXCESS Excessive
EXT Extend, Extension
EXT Exterior
EXTING Extinguishing
EXTN Extension
Exting Extinguish
F Fahrenheit
F Fuel
F Minimum Flap Retract Speed (EFIS)
F-G/S FLS Glide Slope
F-LOC FLS Localizer
F-PLN Flight Plan
F/C First Class
F/CTL Flight Controls
F/O First Officer
F/S Fast/Slow
F/W Failure Warning
FAA Federal Aviation Administration
FAC Flight Augmentation Computer
FACS Flight Augmentation Computer System
FADEC Full Authority Digital Engine Control
FAF Final Approach Fix
FAIL Failed, Failure
FAIR Fairing
FAP Flight Attendant Panel
FAS Flight Augmentation System
FAWP Final Approach Waypoint
FBW Fly-by-wire
FC Fully Closed
FCC Flight Control Computer
FCCS Flight Control Computer System
FCCU Flight Control Computer Unit
FCGU Flight Control and Guidance Unit
FCMC Fuel Control and Monitoring Computer
FCMS Fuel Control Monitoring System
FCOM Flight Crew Operating Manual
FCPC Flight Control Primary Computer
FCPI Flight Control Position Indicator
FCST Forecast
FCTN Function
FCU Flight Control Unit
FD Flight Director
FDP Final Descent Point
FDR Flight Data Recorder
FDU Fire Detection Unit
FE Flight Envelope
FEC Flight Envelope Computer
FEDR Feeder
FES Fire Extinguishing System
FF Fuel Flow
FG Flight Guidance
FGES Flight Guidance and Envelope System
FGS Flight Guidance System
FH Flight Hours
FIX Fixed
FL Flight Level
FLD Factored Landing Distance
FLDK Flight Deck
FLEX Flexible
FLP Flap
FLS FMS Landing System
FLT Flight
FLT CTL Flight Control
FLTR Filter
FM Flight Management
FMA Flight Mode Annunciator
FMC Flight Management Computer
FMCS Flight Management Computer System (FMC and CDU)
FMCU Flight Management Computer Unit
FMGC Flight Management and Guidance Computer
FMGEC Flight Management Guidance and Envelope Computer
FMGES Flight Management Guidance and Envelope System
FMGS Flight Management and Guidance System
FMS Flight Management System (FMCS and AFS sensors)
FNA Final Approach
FNCP Flight Navigation Control Panel
FNSG Flight Navigation Symbol Generator
FO Fully Open
FOB Fuel On Board
FOD Foreign Object Damage
FPA Flight Path Angle
FPL Flight Plan
FPM Feet per Minute
FPS Fire Protection System
FPT Flight Plan Target
FPV Flight Path Vector
FQ Fuel Quantity
FR Frame
FREQ Frequency
FTK Fuel Tank
FU Fuel Used
FUSLG Fuselage
FWC Flight Warning Computer
FWD Forward
FWS Flight Warning System
FWSD Flight Warning and System Display
G Galley
G Green
G/S Glide Slope
GA Go-Around
GDNC Guidance
GEN Generator
GLS GNSS Landing System
GMT Greenwich Mean Time
GND Ground
GNSS Global Navigation Satellite System
GP Glide Path
GPCU Ground Power Control Unit
GPS Global Positioning System
GPU Ground Power Unit
GPWC Ground Proximity Warning Computer
GPWS Ground Proximity Warning System
GR Gear
GRVTY Gravity
GS Ground Speed
GSHLD Glareshield
GW Gross Weight
GYRO Gyroscope
H Hot (Electrical Point)
H NAV Horizontal Navigation
HA Holding Pattern to an Altitude Termination
HARN Harness
HCU Hydraulic Control Unit
HDG Heading
HDG/S Heading Selected
HDL Handle
HEATG Heating
HF High Frequency
HF Holding Pattern to a Fixed Waypoint
HI High
HLD Hold
HOLD Holding
HP High Pressure
HPA High Power Amplifier
HR Hour
HRS Hours
HSI Horizontal Situation Indicator
HTG Heating
HUD Head Up Display
HV High Voltage
HYD Hydraulic
HZ Hertz
Hpa Hecto Pascal
I/P Intercept Point
IAF Initial Approach Fix
IAS Indicated Airspeed
ICAO International Civil Aviation Organisation
IDENT Identification, Identifier, Identify
IF Initial Fix
IFE In-FLight Entertainment
IFR Instrument Flight Rules
IGN Ignition
ILS Instrument Landing System (LOC and G/S)
IM Inner Marker
IMM Immediate
IMU Inertial Measurement Unit
IN Inch
IN HG Inches of Mercury
INA Initial Approach
INB Inbound
INBD Inboard
INCR Increase
INCR Increment
IND Indicator
INFO Information
INHI Inhibit
INHIB Inhibit, Inhibited, Inhibition
INIT Initial(ization)
INOP Inoperative
INR Inner
INS Inertial Navigation System
INST Instrument
INT Interior
INTCP Intercept
INTERCOM Intercommunication
INTL Internal
INV Inverter
IPDU Ice Protection Data Unit
IR Inertial Reference
IRS Inertial Reference System
IRU Inertial Reference Unit
ISA Inertial Sensor Assembly
ISO International Standardization Organisation
ISOL Isolation
IV Isolation Valve
JAM Jammed, Jamming
JEP Jeppesen
KBD Keyboard
KCAS Knot Calibrated Air Speed
KCCU Keyboard and Cursor Control Unit
KEAS Knots Equivalent Air Speed
KHZ Kilohertz
KIAS Knots Indicated Airspeed
KT Knot(s)
KTAS Knot True Air Speed
KU Keyboard Unit
KV Kilo Volt
KVA Kilovolt Ampere
L Left
L Length
L Litre or Liter
L ECAM DU Left ECAM Display Unit
L/D Lift/Drag
L/G Landing Gear
LAND Landing
LAT Lateral
LAT Latitude
LAV Lavatory
LB Pounds
LB-FT Pound - Force - Foot (Torque)
LB-IN Pound - Inch
LCD Liquid Crystal Display
LCH Latch
LCTR Locator
LD Load
LD Lower Deck
LD Landing Distance
LDA Landing Distance Available
LDG Landing
LDG GR Landing Gear
LED Light Emitting Diode
LGERS Landing Gear Extension and Retraction System
LGMS Landing Gear Management System
LH Left Hand
LIM Limit, Limitation, Limiting, Limiter
LIQD Liquid
LKD Locked
LL Latitude/Longitude
LO Low
LO PR Low Pressure
LOC Localizer
LP Low Pressure
LP VALVE Low Pressure Valve
LS Landing System
LT Light
LTD Limited
LTG Lighting
LTS Lights
LVL Level
LVL/CH Level Change
LVR Lever
LW Landing Weight
LWR Lower
M Mach
M Mach Number
M Magenta
M Maneuvering Speed (EFIS)
M Mode
MA Milli-Ampere
MAG Magnetic
MAINT Maintenance
MAN Manual
MAX Maximum
MAX CLB Maximum Climb
MAX DES Maximum Descent
MB Millibars
MCDU Multipurpose Control & Display Unit
MCT Maximum Continuous Thrust
MCU Master Control Unit
MDA Minimum Decision Altitude
MDA Minimum Descent Altitude
MDH Minimum Descent Height
MEA Minimum En Route IFR Altitude
MED Medium
MEM Memory
MEW Manufacturer's Empty Weight
MFD Multifunction Display
MGT Management
MIC Microphone
MID Middle
MIN Minimum
MIN FUEL Minimum Fuel
MIN TIME Minimum Time
MISC Miscellaneous
MLG Main Landing Gear
MM Middle Marker
MMEL Master Minimum Equipment List
MMO Mach Max Operating Speed
MMO Maximum Operating Mach
MON Monitor, Monitoring, Monitored
MRW Maximum Ramp Weight
MSA Minimum Safe Altitude
MSG Message
MSL Mean Sea Level
MSTR Master
MTO Maximum Take-Off
MTOGW Maximum Takeoff Gross Weight
MTOW Maximum Design Takeoff Weight
MTR Meter
MWARN Master Warning
MWC Master Warning Computer
MWP Master Warning Panel
MWS Master Warning System
MZFCG Maximum Zero Fuel Center of Gravity
MZFW Maximum Design Zero Fuel Weight
Mn Mach Number
N Newton
N Normal
N North
N/A Not Applicable
N/P Next Page
N/W Nose Wheel
N/WS Nose Wheel Steering
N1 Engine Fan Speed
N1 Low Pressure Rotor Speed
N1.D N1 Descent
N1.L N1 Latch
N2 High Pressure Rotor Speed
NAV Navigation
NAVAID Navigation Aid
ND Navigation Display
NDB Navigation Data Base
NDB Non-Directional Beacon
NDB Non-Directional Radio Beacon
NEG Negative
NLG Nose Landing Gear
NM Nautical Mile
NO Normal Operation
NORM Normal
NOTAM Notice to Airmen
NS No Smoking
NW Nose Wheel
Nm Moment (Newtonmeter)
No Number
O Open
O/P Output
O2 Oxygen (Symbol)
OANC Onboard Airport Navigation Computer
OANS Onboard Airport Navigation System
OAT Outside Air Temperature
OBSV Observation
OCL Obstacle Clearance Limit
OEW Operational Empty Weight
OFFR Off/Reset
OFST Offset
OIS Onboard Information System
OIT Onboard Information Terminal
OK Correct
OLW Operational Landing Weight
OM Outer Marker
OMS Onboard Maintenance System
OMT Onboard Maintenance Terminal
OP Operational
OPP Opposite
OPS Operations
OPT Optimum
OPT Optional
OPTL Optional
OPU Overspeed Protection Unit
OTOW Operational Take-Off Weight
OUT Outlet
OUT Output
OUTR Outer
OVBD Overboard
OVFL Overflow
OVHD Overhead
OVHT Overheat
OVLD Overload
OVPRESS Overpressure
OVRD Override
OVSP Overspeed
OVSTEER Oversteer
OVV Overvoltage
OWE Operating Weight Empty
OXY Oxygen
OZ Ounce
P Pressure
P/B Pushbutton
P/BSW Pushbutton Switch
P/L Payload
PA Passenger Address
PA Public Address
PARK Parking
PAS Pitch Attitude Sensor
PAX Passenger
PC Pack Controller
PCT Percent
PCU Power Control Unit
PED Pedestal
PERF Performance
PF Pilot Flying
PFD Primary Flight Display
PG Page
PHR Pounds per Hour
PIREP Pilot Report
PLT Pilot
PMP Pump
PMU Power Management Unit
PNEU Pneumatic
PNF Pilot Non Flying
PNL Panel
POS Position
PPM Parts per Million
PPOS Present Position
PR Pressure
PRB Probe
PRESEL Preselection, Preselector
PRESS Pressure, Pressurization, Pressurize
PREV Previous
PRGM Program
PRI Priority
PROC Procedure
PROG Progress
PROT Protection
PROX Proximity
PSU Power Supply Unit
PT Point
PTR Push to Reset
PTT Push to Test
PTT Push-to-Talk
PTU Power Transfer Unit
PURS Purser
PW Pratt and Whitney
PWR Power
PWS Predictive WindShear
Pa Pascal
Pb Pressure Ambient
Q Pitch Rate
QAR Quick Access Recorder
QFE Baro Pressure Setting for Airfield Altitude
QFE Field Elevation Atmospheric Pressure
QFE Pressure Setting for Airfield Altitude
QNE Sea Level Standard Atmosphere Pressure
QNH Baro Pressure Setting for en Route Altitude
QNH Pressure Setting for En Route Altitude
QNH Sea Level Atmospheric Pressure
QNH Sea Level Pressure
QRH Quick Reference Handbook
QTY Quantity
R Radius
R Red
R Release
R Reset
R Right
R/C Rate of Climb
R/D Rate of Descent
R/H Radar Height
R/I Radio/Inertial
R/L Reading Light
R/T Radio Transmit
R/T Receiver Transmitter Unit
RA Radio Altimeter, Radio Altitude
RA Resolution Advisory
RAAS Runway Awareness and Advisory System
RAD Radio
RAI Ram Air Inlet
RAIMS Radio and Audio Integrating Management System
RAT Ram Air Turbine
RC Repetitive Chime
RCDR Recorder
RCL Recall
RCLM Runway Center Line Marking
RCLS Runway Center Line Light System
RCR Runway Condition Report
RCVR Receiver
RCVY Recovery
RDY Ready
RECOG Recognition
RED Reduction
REDUND Redundancy
REF Reference
REF ALIGN Reference Alignment
REFLNG Refueling
REFUEL Refueling
RET Retract
RET Return
RETR Retract
REV Reverse
REV Revise, Revision
RF Radio Frequency
RLD Required Landing Distance
RMP Radio Management Panel
RMU Radio Management Unit
RNAV Area Navigation
RNG Range
RNI Radio Navigation Indicator
RPLNT Repellent
RPM Revolutions Per Minute
RPTG Reporting
RQRD Required
RR Rolls Royce
RST Reset
RSV Reserve
RSVR Reservoir
RTE Route
RTG Rating
RTN Return
RTO Rejected TakeOff
RTOLW Runway Takeoff and Landing Weight
RTOW Runway Takeoff Weight
RTR Router
RTRSW Rotary Switch
RTRY Rotary
RTU Radar Transceiver Unit
RUD Rudder
RVR Runway Visual Range
RVS Reverse
RVSN Reversion
RWY Runway
S Minimum Slat Retract Speed (EFIS)
S South
S/C S/D Step Climb Step Descent
S/W Software
SAT Static Air Temperature
SATCOM Satellite Communication
SBL Symbol
SC Single Chime
SD System Display
SDAC System Daa Analog Converter
SDCU Smoke Detection Control Unit
SEAL Sealing
SEC Secondary
SEC Secondary Computer
SEC Spoiler Elevator Computer
SEG Segment
SEL Select, Selected, Selector, Selection
SELCAL Selective Calling System
SEQ Sequence, Sequential
SER Serial
SER Serial Number
SGU Symbol Generator Unit
SHT Short
SI Slip Indicator
SID Standard Instrument Departure
SIG Signal
SIM Simulation
SL Sea Level
SLD Slide, Sliding
SLT Slat
SMK Smoke
SN Serial Number
SNSR Sensor
SPAD Scratchpad
SPD Speed
SPD/M Speed-Mach
SPEC Specification
SPKR Speaker
SPLR Spoiler
SPLY Supply
SQ Squelch
SRS Speed Reference System
STAB Stabilizer
STAR Standard Terminal Arrival Route
STARTG Starting
STAT Static
STBY Standby
STDY Steady
STRG Steering
STRUCT Structure
STS Status
SUCT Suction
SURF Surface
SVCE Service
SW Switch
SWTG Switching
SYNC Synchro, Synchronise
SYS System
T Time
T Trim
T True
T Turn
T/C Top of Climb
T/D Top of Descent
T/R Thrust Reverser
T2CAS Traffic and Terrain Collision Avoidance System
TA Traffic Advisory
TAC Taxiing Aid Camera
TACAN Ultra-high Frequency Tactical Air Navigation Aid
TACH Tachometer
TADB Terrain/Airport DataBase
TAS True Airspeed
TAT Total Air Temperature
TAWS Terrain Avoidance Warning System
TBC To Be Confirmed
TBU Time Base Unit
TBV Transient Bleed Valve
TC Takeoff Charts
TCAS Traffic Alert and Collision Avoidance System
TEMP Temperature
TGT Target
THR Thrust
THROT Throttle
THS Trimmable Horizontal Stabilizer
TK Ground Track Angle
TK Tank
TKE Track Angle Error
TLA Throttle Lever Angle
TMA Terminal Control Area
TMG Timing
TMR Timer
TO Takeoff
TO/APPR Takeoff/Approach
TOD Takeoff Distance
TODA Takeoff Distance Available
TOGA Takeoff/Go Around
TOGW Takeoff Gross Weight
TOR Takeoff Run
TORA Takeoff Run Available
TOT Total
TOW Takeoff Weight
TOW Towing
TR Thrust Reverser
TRANS Transition
TRANSF Transfer
TRC Thrust Rating Computer
TRGT Target
TRIG Trigger
TRK Track
TRK Track (angle)
TROPO Tropopause
TRT Turn Round Time
TRU True
TST Test
TT Total Time
TURB Turbine
TWR Tower
TWY Taxiway
TX Transmission (TCAS to Transponder)
TYP Typical
UD Upper Deck
UHF Ultra High Frequency
UTC Universal Time Coordinated
V Valve
V Volt, Voltage
V/L VOR/Localizer
V/S Vertical Speed
VACU Vacuum
VAR Variable, Variation
VCTREND Airspeed Tendency
VDF Very High Frequency Direction Finding Station
VDR VHF Data Radio
VEL Velocity
VERT Vertical
VFR Visual Flight Rules
VHF Very High Frequency
VHV Very High Voltage
VIB Vibration
VLF Very Low Frequency
VMO Maximum Operating Speed
VOL Volume
VOR Very High Frequency Omnirange Station
VORTAC Visual Omni-Range Tactical Air Navigation
VSI Vertical Speed Indicator
VSW Stall Warning Speed
W Watt
W Weight
W West
W/V Wind Direction and Speed
WAI Wing Anti-Ice
WARN Warning
WB Wide Body
WD Warning Display
WDO Window
WG Wing
WHL Wheel
WR Weather Radar
WS Wind Speed
WT Weight
WX Weather Mode (ND)
WXR Weather Radar
X Cross
X Trans Crossbleed
X BLEED X FEED Crossfeed
X LINE Crossline
X VALVE Cross Valve
X-TALK Cross-talk
XCHECK Crosscheck
XFR Transfer
XING Crossing
XPDR Transponder
XPNDR Transponder
XWIND Crosswind
Y Yellow
Y/C Economy Class
YCR Economy Class-Rear
YE Year
Z Greenwich Mean Time
ZC Zone Controller
ZFCG Zero Fuel Center of Gravity
ZFW Zero Fuel Weight
Zp Pressure Altitude
Zpi Indicated Pressure Altitude
dB Decibel
dB(A) A-Weighted Decibel
ft Feet, Foot
ft/mn Feet per Minute
g Gram
h Height
h Hour
in Inch
kPa Kilo Pascal
kW Kilowatt
kg Kilogram
kg/m³ Kilograms/Cubic Meter
lb Pound
lbf/in² Pounds force per square inch
m Meter
mbar Millibar
mile/h Miles per Hour
min Minute
ml Milliliter
mm Millimeter
n Load Factor
phi Bank Angle
phi N Nominal Bank Angle
r/min Revolutions per Minute
s Second
t Tonne

Last update: February 19, 2023