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Converting Liveries Manually


This guide is provided with no guarantee of compatibility and meant for the conversion of liveries for personal use.

No support will be provided

Risk of Convert Liveries

We recommend to not converting old liveries. Many liveries for the Asobo A320, especially the ones from livery collections are often very old, low quality and not maintained. They may cause a number of issues and can even lead to CTDs (crash to desktop).

We instead suggest downloading compatible liveries from

To manually convert a livery made for the default A320neo to work with the new FBW A32NX, you have to edit three files in that livery's folder.

Step One

Open the aircraft.cfg in ..\SimObjects\AirPlanes\NAME_OF_THE_LIVERY\

The following lines should look like this:

base_container = "..\FlyByWire_A320_NEO"
ui_type = "A320neo (LEAP)"
ui_manufacturer = "FlyByWire Simulations"

Step Two

Open the texture.cfg in ..\SimObjects\AirPlanes\NAME_OF_THE_LIVERY\TEXTURE.XXX

There's a fallback which points to the Asobo A320. It should now look like this:


(X = the number of the fallback)

Step Three

Open the model.cfg in ..\SimObjects\AirPlanes\NAME_OF_THE_LIVERY\MODEL.XXX

The two model lines should look like this:


Ready to go! Launch the sim and see if it worked.

Last update: March 3, 2023